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Picures are only reference to bloom and size of plant.

Orchid not in bloom.

Plant in 1.7" pot


🔧 Skill LevelIntermediate
🌍 NativeSoutheast Asia, including Indonesia and Malaysia
⛰️ ElevationsLow to mid-elevation forests
🪴 SizeSmall to medium; typically grows to about 10-20 cm in height
🎍 Perfect for Terrariums?Yes, ideal for terrariums due to its humidity and low light requirements
☀️ Blooming SeasonTypically winter, but can bloom sporadically throughout the year
🌸 Blooms Size and ColourSmall, white flowers with a yellow lip; flowers are less showy compared to the foliage
👃 FragranceGenerally not fragrant
🌡 TemperatureWarm to intermediate; (summer☀️ 24-28°C / 20-22°C)
💧 WateringKeep evenly moist but not waterlogged; allow the top layer of the medium to dry slightly between waterings
☁️ HumidityHigh humidity, around 60-80%, with good air circulation to prevent fungal issues
💡 LightLow to moderate indirect light; avoid direct sunlight which can scorch the leaves
🌰 Growing MediumWell-draining, moisture-retentive medium; a mix of sphagnum moss, bark, and perlite works well
🧪 FertilizationUse a diluted balanced fertilizer every 2-4 weeks during the growing season; reduce in winter

Dossinia marmorata is prized for its stunning, velvety leaves with intricate silver and gold veining. This jewel orchid thrives in conditions that mimic its natural tropical understory habitat, making it perfect for indoor cultivation and terrariums. Its modest care requirements and striking appearance make it a favourite among orchid enthusiasts looking for something unique and beautiful.


These care guidelines are based on general information and may need adjustments based on your specific growing conditions and the needs of your individual plant.

Dossinia marmorata

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