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Picures are only reference to bloom and size of plant.

Pot size 2.5"

Orchid not in bloom.


🔧 Skill Level: Intermediate – Requires specific care for optimal growth.

🌍 Native: Hybrid.

⛰️ Elevations: Lowland to mid-elevations, typically 0–1,000 meters above sea level.

🪴 Size: Medium, upright orchid with long, leathery leaves.

🎍 Perfect for Terrariums? Not ideal for terrariums; requires open airflow and space to accommodate its size.

☀️ Blooming Season: Spring to early summer, although can occasionally bloom outside this window in favorable conditions.

🌸 Bloom Size and Color: Flowers are typically display stunning colors ranging from pale yellow to golden-yellow.

👃 Fragrance: Generally non-fragrant.

🌡 Temperature: Warm-growing orchid.

  • Summer: Highs around 30–32°C (86–90°F) | Lows around 20–23°C (68–73°F)
  • Winter: Highs around 25–28°C (77–82°F) | Lows around 15–18°C (59–65°F)

💧 Watering: Water thoroughly and allow to dry out between waterings. Prefers frequent watering in warmer months, reducing slightly in cooler months.

☁️ Humidity: Prefers high humidity, ideally between 60%–80%. Ensure good airflow to prevent rot and fungal issues.

💡 Light: Bright, indirect light (2,000–3,000 foot-candles). Can tolerate some direct sunlight but avoid intense midday sun, which can scorch the leaves.

🌰 Growing Medium: Prefers to be grown in a coarse, well-draining medium such as bark or mounted on cork or tree fern. Good for baskets that allow roots to breathe and dry out between waterings.

🧪 Fertilization: Apply a balanced, diluted orchid fertilizer (such as 20-20-20) every two weeks during active growth in spring and summer. Reduce to once a month during the winter.


*Care information based on average family care, use it as guide and should be adapted to suit your environment


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